Author: Santanu Majumdar

Top 5 Tips To Quit Smoking

Top 5 Tips To Quit Smoking

We are well aware of the whole effects of smoking cigarettes.  However, we also know that it is very difficult for someone to quit smoking just like that.  This article will try to help you find ways to point you in the right direction when it comes to quitting. The […]

Causes And Treatments of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Erectile dysfunction affects the ability of millions of men to have sexual intercourse. An estimated 30 million American men have experienced chronic problems achieving or maintaining an erection. While erectile dysfunction is most common in older men, younger men experience it too. According to the American Urological Association, up to […]

Eat Banana Everyday To Keep Low Energy Away

Eat Banana Everyday To Keep Low Energy Away

There are some foods that can improve overall health and boost energy levels, and bananas are one of the best that you can have in your basket. They are an inexpensive fruit that not only taste good, bananas also contain fiber, carbohydrates, vitamin B6, potassium, and even magnesium. Not only […]

Health Risks of Tattoos

The Health Risks of Tattoos

There are a number of different opinions when it comes to tattoos, but of course if you have decided to get a tattoo you don’t want to hear that they’re dangerous, but rather how you can avoid the dangers that are sometimes associated with tattoos. The first step is to […]