Author: Santanu Majumdar

Urine Drug Test: Purpose, Types & Procedure

The hallmark of any ongoing medical treatment is to monitor its progress. Diabetics check their sugar and adjust insulin dosage accordingly. Patients beginning a regimen of blood thinners are monitored closely to ensure the correct proportion. But what happens if these medications are defective or have somehow been metabolized before […]

Some Mind Blowing Tips To Lose Weight

‘I am doing this for myself’ is undoubtedly a powerful mantra and keeps you going till you shed those annoying extra pounds from your body. Honestly speaking, there is no magic behind weight loss. It involves commitment from day one. Although exercise and diet are two primary keys to wellness, […]

Vaginal Dryness: The Symptoms , Causes and Treatment

While it can be quite embarrassing to talk about for some, vaginal dryness happens to many women within a variety of age groups. Normally, the walls of the vagina are consistently lubricated with a clear fluid that prevents this dryness from happening. However, various circumstances can cause this fluid to […]

Foods that May Help Prevent Cancer

Worldwide, 1 in every 8 deaths is caused by cancer. Despite the significant medical advances that we have made, cancer still remains one of the leading causes for death in the developed nations. Prevention is always better than cure, and it applies to cancer as well. Reduce the risk of […]

Health Benefits of Oats

Everyone is aware of the fact that oats is considered to be an ideal as well a complete breakfast. Oats is often referred to as hulless oat or even as naked oat. Oats is low in sugar high from the point of view of nutrition, and high-energy organic food. Here […]

Dry Eyes : Home Treatment, Causes & Prevention

Are you tired of rubbing your eyes or blinking rapidly to get rid of that uncomfortably dry feeling in your eyes? If so, you don’t have to resort to a doctor’s prescription or over-the-counter medication to get your eyes back up to snuff. Here are a few treatments you can […]