Diseases & Conditions

Morgellons Disease Symptoms

Morgellons : Causes, Picture, Symptoms and Treatment

Not as well understood as the medical community might wish, Morgellons disease (MD) or fiber disease is a condition in which thread-like fibers or dark materials seem to appear under one’s skin. Patients often feel like something is crawling under their skin or stinging them all over it. In a […]

Pupil Response to Light

Mydriasis – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Understanding Mydriasis The pupil of the eye open (dilate) and close with exposure to light and darkness. (See Figure 1) Mydriasis is a condition when the pupil fails to respond to light and become smaller as it normally should. The pupil opens with darkness to allow more light in and […]

Pitting Edema

Hypervolemia : Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

What is hypervolemia? Hypervolemia is also known as “fluid overload” and occurs when the body retains more water than it needs. The process of excreting excess water is mostly controlled by the kidneys and certain disorders can disrupt this mechanism and cause fluids to disperse into the tissues of the […]

Natural Alternative Cancer Treatments

5 Natural Alternative Cancer Treatments

Cancer, according to World Health Organization, is the world’s leading cause of human mortality. Based on statistical data by WHO, there were about 14 million cases of cancer way back in 2012, and this figure will soon increase up to 22 million cases in a span of 20 years. This […]