Sleeping is essential for every human being on the earth for staying healthy and energetic in our daily life but it may possible that you are going through some sleepless night occasionally due to some concern. If this is your headache then itâs time to leave all your worries right […]
Health & Wellness
Best Tips to Reduce Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Stress, anxiety, and depression are three different mental health conditions still these are very much interconnected and dependent on each other because one influences to another mental state. However, with some natural effective ways to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, you can deal very well with all of them. Now […]
Vaginal Yeast Infection: Causes, Picture, Symptoms and Home Remedies
Vaginal yeast infection is one of the most common types of vaginal infection that approx. 75% of women around the world are expected to face it at some point in their life. It generally goes off with anti-fungal medications but if it is severe then it requires long-term treatment. However […]
Why Non-Stress Test is Important During Pregnancy
A non-stress test is a popular test for women expecting a child. One may require it if one is overdue or has had complications at the time of pregnancy and childbirth. The doctor may propose the test, for less than regular or usual fetal movements. The test is a simple […]
Most Effective Ways to Help You Battle Morning Sickness
Morning sickness denotes nausea and vomiting health issues that mainly faced by the pregnant women especially in their first trimester of pregnancy. Still, there is not sure or confirmed reason for this health concern but as per the doctors, it is the hormonal changes that cause it. However, by using […]
Why My Period is Late : Reasons of Late or Missed Period
Are you waiting for your period? Is your period not on time? If these are some reasons for your headache and if you are assuming that you might be pregnant then stop thinking so. My dear friend, there are several possible reasons for the late period, some of them for […]
Body Fat Calculator: How to Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
The body fat calculator is the easiest measurement tool of current body fat based on your weight and measurement of your different body parts which all needed to be entered in the BFC in order to get exact percentage of body fat. Later in this article, you will get to […]
Breast Fat Necrosis: Symptoms, Causes, Picture and Treatments
Fat necrosis is one of the most common health concerns among women who have gone through breast surgery or any kind of medical therapy is applied to the breast for its treatment. It develops in the noncancerous form in most of the cases which can be relieved completely through the […]