Health & Wellness

Social Relations Is The Best Ways To Help You Live Longer

Social Relations Is The Best Ways To Help You Live Longer

Studies and vast bodies of research show that those who score on social skills and connections tend to live longer than lonesome people. The buffer that healthy and emotionally supportive relationships provide is as good as quitting a negative habit like smoking, according to research carried out by Brigham-Young University […]

Salt Schmalt and High Blood Pressure

Weak Link Between Salt and High Blood Pressure

Most health conscious folks know the difference between bad and good fat. While saturated and trans fat is harmful, omega 3, and poly or monounsaturated fats are beneficial for the body. Even understanding the difference between simple and complex carbs is easy. What is way more complicated is the link […]

Top 5 Most Ignored Health Problems

Top 5 Most Ignored Health Problems

Occasionally or once in a blue moon, we may not feel too well. After all, good health outcomes are all about watching and following the right habits and sometimes we do fall short of this. Catching a cold or flu or overdoing it at the gym is nothing new. An […]

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23 Superb Tips For Dealing With Sleep Deprivation

A poll conducted by NSF/ National Sleep Foundation found over 76% of parents face sleep deprivation. Additionally, sleep deprivation is also faced by those working in the military, students cramming all-night for an exam or all night workers. Sleep deprivation, whether it is due to a bout of insomnia, an […]

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50 Benefits of Meditation that Can Improve Your Life

Meditation is an ancient art and a modern stress elimination technique. Most deeply researched, meditation has become the most effective technique for a healthy mind and a strong body. The benefits of meditation are countless. It has even been likened to a multivitamin for your brain. Here’s why meditation is […]