Health & Wellness


Easy and Positive Ways To Forget Over Fear

Getting over your fears is very important. Moreover, it’s a skill anyone can learn. Most people cling to their fears as it is part of who they are. Facing fears is important for transcending them. Everything takes its own time. Facing fears head on requires understanding that it is more […]

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How to Recognize and Control Stress

Stress is perceived as a normal response to abnormal conditions. It is the body’s psychological and physiological reaction to events that upset the individual by disturbing the balance. The body protects you in these times through the fight or flight response. This can induce stress. Stress does not always cause […]

3 Easy and Simple Steps to Prevent Bad Breath

Three Easy and Simple Steps to Prevent Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, affects nearly everyone. Halitosis stems from numerous causes. This includes dryness of mouth, protein-rich food, sugar, acid or smoking, illness or tooth decay. Bad breath can be prevented by working on oral health and making a difference to lifestyle and diets. Health remedies and […]

Dance: An Amazing Way To Good Health

Dancing is a wonderful way to improve fitness, regardless of whether you are an elegant ballerina or a classical danseuse. The blend of physical workout, mental concentration and social interactions associated with music has been a means of relieving stress, increasing energy and improving focus and concentration since times immemorial. […]

Pregnancy Symptom Week by Week

Pregnancy Symptoms Week by Week

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful times in your life as parents. The journey to motherhood is accompanied by a lot of emotional, biological and psychological as well as physiological changes. From the moment your child is conceived till you give birth to your child, the body undergoes a […]