Health & Wellness

How Often Should You Visit the Doctor?

How Often Should You See A Doctor?

There is no timetable for how quickly the individual needs to visit a doctor. While some people go many times per year, even when they are healthy and well, others forgo seeing a doctor till they are really sick. The right approach is to strike a balance. It can also […]

Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

Hypnosis to Stop Smoking: Is it effective?

If you are addicted to smoking, quitting is the best thing that could happen to you. Smoking is a dangerous habit because once the habit sets in, it is difficult to quit. People try just about everything from nicotine patches to behavior modification therapy. One road less traveled is hypnosis. […]

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation : Average Cost, What to Expect and Recovery

Statistics by the American Plastic Surgeons Society prove breast augmentation is one of the most requested cosmetic surgeries. Research also shows that women need another breast augmentation surgery after 10 years, because implants leak over time or scar shells could develop around it. According to the American Society, surgeon’s fee […]

Ways to Deal with Stress Anxiety Depression

Ways to Beat Stress and Live a Healthier Lifestyle

Stress or the physical or psychological response to tension and negative emotions like fear and anxiety can create a real problem. Stress can have severe consequences such as heart ailments, asthma, obesity, headache, depression, and anxiety. Other problems exacerbated by stress include GI problems, accelerated aging, and early death. Ways […]