Workplace Stress: A Growing Problem All work and no play do more than just making a person dull. Stress is a real problem in the workplace. When stress turns into distress and leads to anxiety and anger, you need to develop strategies to cope more effectively. Increased stress in the […]
Health & Wellness
How to Keep Your Emotions Healthy
Healthy Emotions: A Key To Effective Behavior Angry you didn’t get that work promotion? Upset that your best friend did not invite you to her wedding? Depressed because your grades did not add to up an Ivy league education? These are just some of the situations where having healthy emotions […]
Medical Benefits of Hope and Prayer
The Power of Prayer: Healing Through Hope When the going get tough, the tough get going and one of the surefire positive mental health strategies to counter difficult times and negative events is prayer and hope. Prayer and hope heal emotional health and provide medical benefits too. A connection to […]
What to Eat and What to Avoid While Traveling – Tips & Guidelines
Traveler’s Illness: Why You Need to be Careful Traveler’s illness can prove costly. Not just in terms of a medical bill, or illness but even death due to food poisoning! Whether you are in Mumbai or Mexico City, a traveler’s sickness can strike anywhere. Unless you watch out for the […]
Migraine Headache: Causes, Pictures, Symptoms and Medications
Migraine headaches are the most common kind of headaches usually found in adults. It is primarily a headache disorder, that recurrent from mild to severe. This kind of headaches comes along with various symptoms like puking, nausea, and sensitivity to strong smell, light, and sound. It is being found in […]
Top Tips for Treating Bruises – Causes of Bruises
From a bump to a blow, knocking your body enough to sustain damage causes a bruise. But, what is the precise process through which a bruise forms? Well, the tiny blood vessels located under your skin are harmed, and blood spews out of these vessels known as capillaries. It then […]
Appendix Pain : Causes, Pictures, Symptoms and Treatment
In a human body, the appendix is situated in the lower right portion of the abdomen. The appendix is quite narrow and usually its length is about 5-10 cm. It is a small tube-like structure that comes out of the caecum. The caecum is a part of the large intestine […]
Study Suggests: Working Mom is a Recipe for Depression
Diapers and Deadlines: Working Moms And Depression Plenty of research conducted in the area of depression has found that there is more likelihood of this mental health problem among working supermoms. The “I can and must” approach does not seem to be working, as women who have to balance office […]