Health & Wellness

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

8 Common Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

No matter what some sitcoms and stand-up comics might suggest, erectile dysfunction is no laughing matter for 18 million men (plus their partners) in America alone. That’s the bad news. The good news is, for most causes of ED, there are all-natural things you can do to put a little […]


Schizophrenia – Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

A complex, multifactorial, chronic, severe, disabling brain disorder, diagnosed in young adults at the time of the first psychotic episode of hallucinations and delusions. Causes. Genes and environment. Genetic factors are, Runs in families. Has a 10% chance in first degree relatives. Second degree relatives have a higher chance (1%) […]

Low Testosterone in Males: Symptoms and Treatment

Testosterone is literally what makes men manly. Indeed, it’s the natural substance produced by our body (i.e., hormone) that induces our voice to deepen, hair to sprout on our chest, and our muscles, reproductive organ and very self to grow even more. It also makes us interested in sex. So, […]

How Drugs Affect Your Health

How Drugs Affect Your Health: Effect and Treatment

Drug abuse can be lethal! It’s clear to see:  According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, in 2012 there were nearly 200,000 drug-related deaths worldwide. That is a terrifyingly large figure that doesn’t even account for the number of near-misses and drug-related illnesses. How would you feel […]

Minimizing Your Risk of Blood Clots

5 Methods for Minimizing Your Risk of Blood Clots

Everyone likely recalls former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton’s brush with a blood clot back in December 2012. While her clot was deemed the result of a previous concussion she’d had, there are many reasons that someone could develop a clot anywhere in the body. If not properly treated, a […]