Women Health

Things to Consider When You Are Pregnant

38 Things To know and Consider When You Are Pregnant

Navigating through the experiences and wonders of pregnancy can be an uplifting experience. There’s a lot you need to know, if you’re first time pregnant, though. You need to discuss things with the doctor as well. Gear up for an amazing journey and know the most important things about pregnancy. […]

Abnormal Pain During the Pregnancy Period

Normal and Abnormal Pain During the Pregnancy Period

As soon as a woman enters into the nine months cycle of pregnancy she has to suffer from numerous different signs and symptoms of this period. Some of the symptoms are normal and avoidable whereas some of them need medical attention to prevent any complication in delivery. In this context […]

Weird periods After Tubal Ligation

Possible Reasons For Weird periods After Tubal Ligation

Female sterilization, also known as tubal sterilization, is a massive decision as it is a final kind of contraceptive. It does not allow women to get pregnant ever again. Adult women without any desire for children or those who don’t want more children, or cannot manage a pregnancy on the […]