Dieting for Reasons Other than Weight Loss If latest infomercials, ads and magazine covers are any sign, it may seem that weight loss is the sole purpose for going on a diet. But there are other reasons for eating right and even exercising. People may be making healthy changes for […]
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Pituitary Adenomas : Types, Signs, Symptoms and Treatment
What is Pituitary Adenomas? Pituitary Adenomas is a type of pituitary tumour. A tumour of this kind is a growth of abnormal cells in tissues of the pituitary gland. Pituitary tumours are formed on the pituitary gland also known as the master endocrine gland as it makes hormones that affect […]
How to get Fabulous Feet ?
Putting Your Best Foot Forward: How To Get Fabulous Feet In an average human lifetime, we walk 112,630 km. That’s 4 times around the earth. So, looking after your feet is important. Happy feet make for the complete beauty regimen and guard against foot problems. With every step that you […]
How to Decipher the Ingredients in Your Cosmetics
Dying to Look Attractive: How to Choose Safe Cosmetics Without proper knowledge or tools to evaluate beauty products, choosing what is safe for your skin and body can be a tough task. Product packages are designed deceptively in current times and even the labels can be hugely misleading. On the […]
Study Suggests: Working Mom is a Recipe for Depression
Diapers and Deadlines: Working Moms And Depression Plenty of research conducted in the area of depression has found that there is more likelihood of this mental health problem among working supermoms. The “I can and must” approach does not seem to be working, as women who have to balance office […]
African Mango: New Slimming Fruit, Benefits, Weight loss & Side Effects
These days in many pops up adverts we see slimming products claiming to have extracts of African mango. But have you ever wondered whatâs so special about this mango that numerous slimming products in the market claim to have the extract of it and how it helps to lose weight??? […]
Ways Green Tea Promotes Weight Loss
Green Tea: Healthiest Drink Available According to most experts, green tea has the distinction the healthiest beverage on the planet . Why is this so? Well, it is loaded with antioxidants and various substances that benefit health. Studies have proved that green tea helps in burning calories and losing weight. […]
Natural Remedies Against High Blood Pressure
Guarding Against High Blood Pressure: Natural Remedies for Hypertension According to the CDC, close to 1/3rd of American adults have high blood pressure. In developing countries, the figures are even higher as healthcare facilities are not meeting the increasing requirements. Blood pressure is basically the force that blood exerts, pushing […]