Anorexia Nervosa: A Life Threatening Eating Disorder Anorexia nervosa is a psychological disorder defined by extremes in low body weight relative to stature. Apart from low Body Mass Index, other signs of this eating disorder include: Extreme/needless weight loss Irrational, deep fear of weight gain Distorted perception of self-image and […]
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Infected Hair Follicle: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
What is Infected Hair Follicle? Folliculitis or infected hair follicles require immediate treatment if it does not heal on its own. This condition is characterised by the inflammation of the hair follicle. A follicle is a tiny pouch in the body from which hair grows. Any part of your body can […]
Benefit Cosmetics – Best Bronzers and Blushers Review
Bronzer or Blusher? A dilemma about whether to wear a bronzer or a blusher is one every woman can identify with. Bronzers became popular in the 1920s. Coco Chanel revolutionised the concept of a suntanned beauty. In the 1950s, powdered bronze was introduced. Blushers have been around for a bit longer. […]
Total Hip Replacement Is The Solution For The Damaged Hip
What is Total Hip Replacement? A common surgery where the damaged hip joint is replaced with an artificial one, total hip replacement involves prosthesis.This is a form of hip replacement surgery where the femur is removed and the hip socket is shaped, replacing it with a hip implant cup, ball […]
The Popular Jojoba Oil And Its Great Hair And Skin Benefits
Jojoba oil is widely used by many people around the globe. It is extracted from jojoba plant, which usually grows in hot areas, like in the desert areas of California, Arizona and Mexico in the form of indigenous American shrub. The jojoba oil is a kind of liquid wax extracted […]
Restore Fairness With The Best Skin Whitening Soaps In India
From medicines and scrubs to fancy creams and DIY home treatments, people have devised numerous ways to lighten their skin tone. With the best skin whitening soaps in India, now it is possible to change your skin tone from head to toe. Yes you heard it right! No cumbersome bleaching […]
Study Links TV Watching To Premature Death
TV Watching and Premature Deaths: A Link Watching television for three or more hours in a day? In case you are, your risk of premature death doubles someone who watches only one hour or less, as per research published by the American Heart Association. Now, the health risks of sedentary […]
Simple Pocket-Friendly Ways To Beat Stress
Stress Relief on A Shoestring Budget Stressed out and nowhere to go? Feeling a massive burnout, but don’t want to shell out big bucks to seek professional help? No worries. These stress relief techniques don’t cost a fortune. Now dealing with daily pressures of modern living is not so tough. […]