What is menopause? Menopause is officially defined as the permanent cessation of a woman’s menstrual period either naturally or induced. Natural menopause is when a woman has not had a period for 12 full months, and induced menopause is when a woman has both of her ovaries removed surgically or […]
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10 Tips On How To Lose Weight Fast
All too often, people who are interested in losing weight simply attempt to starve themselves throughout the day, and then just nibble on something in the evening. Others try to lose weight through one of the many diets found on the Internet or in a bookstore. However, in order to […]
The Exact Way How to Lose Weight
If you would like to find out the exact way how to lose weight, take note of this specific plan. If you  follow the steps to the best of your ability, you will lose weight week after week in a healthy, natural manner. To make it as straightforward as possible, […]
How Electronic Cigarettes Can Help Housewives Stop Smoking?
Electronic cigarettes can help housewives stop smoking in exactly the same way that they can help anyone stop smoking! Housewife; doctor; nurse; professor of philosophy; or professional bum: whatever you do with your days, if you smoke and feel you ought to quit â but may not really want to […]
Plaque Psoriasis – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
What is Plaque Psoriasis? Plaque psoriasis is a very common form of psoriasis where the skin becomes red, flaky and develops silver colored scales. This type of psoriasis affects approximately 2 to 3 % of the population. It generally comes on between the ages of 15 and 25. It is […]
Cholesterol – Causes, Types And Treatment
Every time you pick a huge burger which looks amply tasty, remember you may be doing yourself more harm than good! Well, this does not mean that you should never eat outside or that all fast or junk foods are unhealthy but continuous intake of such foods may cause health […]
Increase your Breast Size Naturally
Women want to look beautiful, attractive and desirable and one can hardly fault them for that. More and more women are becoming conscious of their image, looks and appearance. The cosmetic surgery industry is literally minting millions daily, thanks to the trend of breast enlargement and augmentation through artificial means. […]
Ringworm – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
Ringworm has nothing to do with a worm. Quite simply put, it is a fungal infection of the skin and gets its name from the shape of the rash that accompanies it. (See Figure 1)The rash forms small raised red circles in the groin, armpit and areas of the body […]