Illegal use of opiates is a real issue. So is long-term use of prescription opiates. There are all kinds of side effects associated with opiates. A study conducted by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration holds that eighty percent of the global supply of opiates is consumed in America […]
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37 Tricks to Eating Healthy at a Restaurant
The way to your wallet lies in appealing to your stomach, for restaurants. They thrive on offering delicious foods and beverages that are high in calorific value and low on nutrition. The way in which the calories pile up and fat aggregates is a real problem. A 2013 Toronto University […]
Best Blackhead Scrub – Top 5 Blackhead Scrub Review
Are you aware that your skin loses a million dead cells each day? While it sheds old cells, it also rebuilds new ones. Skin cells are so minute that the daily turnover is not even visible to the eye. But when the skin is not exfoliated properly, it can combine […]
Best Lip Primer – Top 5 Lip Primer Review
Girls who are fond of carrying bold lip shades will certainly understand the effort that goes into making that color to keep up. Between eating, sipping, kissing and talking, the color absolutely vanishes. So, what is the solution? Well, go for a good lip primer. For bold lips that donât […]
How Regular Dental and Eye Checks can Reduce The Risks of Dementia
Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that can have serious consequences for the sufferer and his/her family. Early detection can make it easier to cope with the symptoms and the onset of this disease. But how do people test for dementia like Alzheimer’s? Apart from viewing the memory loss and […]
Best In Shower Body Lotions And Moisturizer – Top 5 Review and Picks
As a matter of fact, we should be exceedingly regular with the application of a good after-shower body lotion to help our skin make up for the lacking moisture in the air, especially during the punitive winter months. But letâs face it, how many of you actually go for that […]
Itchy Scalp : Causes, Symptoms, Picture and Treatment
Itchy scalp condition, also known as scalp pruritus, is a common malady with symptoms that can be highly frustrating. This includes frequent scratching and discomfort, along with signs such as scabs or flaky skin. The scalp also itches sans any skin changes. Itching of the scalp is not a severe […]
Bedtime Exercises : 5 Exercises You Should Do Before Bedtime
Regardless of whether you want to cut down on 10 pounds or 50, exercising before you sleep can work wonders. Research suggests that exercising before bedtime can pave the way for a stimulated metabolism as more calories are burnt while sleeping and the quality of rest also improves. Fat you […]