Best Antifungal Body Wash

Best Antifungal Body Wash : Top 5 Review and Buying Guide

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Antifungal body wash offers the best and the most convenient way of keeping your body, feet and toes perfectly healthy. These professional body washes do not only kill any loitering fungus but also prevent the spread of these fungal infections you might be already agonizing from.

The market is replete with a large number of antifungal body washes, but mind you, all do not proffer what they promise. I have successfully compiled a list of some of the best antifungal body washes that will indubitably deliver optimal results and keep any kind of infections in check.

What Makes a Good Antifungal Body Wash?

The best antifungal body washes are extremely effective at killing bacteria yet totally safe and gentle for use on the skin. They contain natural and organic ingredients that soothe and refresh the skin, check bad odor and completely expel bacteria and fungus.

Essential oils such as tea tree oil, emu oil, oregano, etc. are renowned for their anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antifungal properties. Look for these in the product you choose. Avoid ingredients that are particularly strong and stringent as they may not only cleanse the fungus from your skin but also break down skin’s elasticity and leave it prone to more problems.

Ideally, you should look for a body wash that contains ingredients that soothe your skin, heal the burns and treat inflammation and redness. Natural moisturizers such as jojoba oils, coconut, olive oil and aloe vera are great at nourishing and hydrating the skin. Also, herbs like rosemary and peppermint are renowned for their refreshing and rejuvenating properties.

The Best Antifungal Body Washes





PediFix FungaSoap e1495165823651

PediFix FungaSoap

13.5b fluid ounces

White flip top bottle

Antifungal Soap with Tea Tree Oil e1495166365235

Calily Life Anti-Fungal Liquid Soap

33.8 fluid bottle

Brown squeeze top bottle

Defense Soap Antifungal Body Wash e1495166591666

Body Wash by Defense Soap

12 fluid ounces

Blue squeeze top bottle

Healthy Hair Plus Anti Fungal Shampoo e1495166843706

Healthy Hair Plus Shampoo

12 fluid ounces

White squeeze top bottle

Body Wash by Majestic Pure e1495167202511

Body Wash by Majestic Pure

16 fluid ounces

White squeeze top bottle

FungaSoap Cleansing Wash by PediFix

FungaSoap Cleansing Wash by PediFix is one of the highest rating body washes which is infused with tea tree oil, the most popular ingredient with disinfectant and antiseptic properties.

The amazing product deep cleanses your skin and deodorizes it, eliminating all bacteria that have accumulated on your skin surface. It further prevents the bacteria from coming back. The best part about the body wash is that it is extremely gentle and can also be used on the face. It also helps to cure dry, cracked and irritated skin.

You only need to put a small amount of the product. It easily lathers and rinses off without leaving any kind of residue. Thus, a single bottle will last for quite a long time.

The use of FungaSoap body wash is recommended by a lot of skin specialists as it aids in curing nail fungus. Even though the product has a potent and slightly irritating smell, the countless benefits of it overpower this.


  • Provides relief from dry and irritated skin
  • Prevents fungus and bacteria from coming back
  • Offers quick and amazing results
  • Comes in a concentrated formula


  • Has a strong and discomforting smell
  • May cause breakouts

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Calily Life Anti-Fungal Liquid Soap with Tea Tree Oil

Calily Life Anti-Fungal Liquid Soap with Tea Tree Oil is a 100% natural and organic concentrated formula that is not only effective but also gentle. Enriched with Dead Sea minerals and tee tree oil, the product has amazing antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It eliminates all dirt impurities and body bacteria, neutralizing the skin and preventing fungal infections.

The anti-fungal liquid soap not only removes dirt throughout your body but also eliminates odors to give you a rejuvenating feel. It is quite mild and can be used on the sensitive face area. It utilizes high quality and rich ingredients to fight bacteria and keep it from reoccurring.

For all people leading an active lifestyle, this product is just the ideal choice as it helps in destroying harmful bacteria that breeds over the body after exercise. You can also use it for soaking your feet, or apply it directly to the affected are for increased effectiveness.

Apart from the healing properties, the liquid soap contains a high concentration of essential oils that seek to soothe irritated and dry skin. It suppresses the pain caused by bacterial infections.


  • Makes the skin soft, smooth and supple
  • Offers a refreshing odor
  • Soothes dry and cracked skin
  • Comes in a concentrated formula
  • Comes in a huge sized bottle


  • It is not fragrance-free

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Body Wash by Defense Soap

Body Wash by Defense Soap is another superb product that is 100% vegan and organic. With tea tree extracts and eucalyptus, this body wash boasts of great antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties.

The body wash is also infused with a substantial amount of jojoba, coconut and olive oil that refreshes and rejuvenates the skin, leaving it soft and smooth. It generates a thick lather that helps in deep penetration of the product, making it more effective than ever. When the ingredients get absorbed into the skin, it becomes moisturized and supple.

It is the ideal product for active people as it helps to wash out all bacteria introduced by work out. It is highly recommended by all dermatologists owing to its superior quality, longevity, and consistency.

Great for oily skin, it aids to keep the oil at bay and at the same time repair skin’s natural barrier. It is also suitable for people with a sensitive skin as it does not contain any artificial fragrance and has a sweet and clean scent.


  • Eliminates all fungal infections and prevent them from reoccurring
  • Works at treating acne
  • Does not dry out skin. Suitable for all skin types
  • Has a mild smell


  • Lingering smell

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Anti-Fungal Shampoo by Healthy Hair Plus

First and foremost, even though Anti-Fungal Shampoo by Healthy Hair Plus is named as a shampoo, the company has laid out that it can be used as a body wash as well.

The product contains Emu oil as its key ingredient which is renowned for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It relieves the scalp from redness and soreness and helps to heal the wounds and body burns. The shampoo is rich is botanical extracts and it penetrates deep into the scalp, killing all bacteria and fungus. It is the ideal choice for people having scalp problems as it treats fungal scalp infections, scalp bumps and even acute conditions such as psoriasis of the scalp.

Enriched with essential minerals and vitamins, the product not only treats fungal scalp problems but also restores its health. The best part is that it is extremely gentle and can be used by kids too.

It is suitable for oily hair as it does not dry out the hair and cleanses it from deep within. The shampoo also transforms dull and damaged hair into lush locks full of life.


  • Natural product
  • Treats fungal scalp infections and makes it healthy
  • Quite comparable to OTC anti-dandruff shampoos
  • Makes the hair beautiful and manageable


  • May not work for people with coarse hair texture
  • Has a foul odor

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Antifungal Tea Tree Oil Soap- Body Wash by Majestic Pure

Antifungal Tea Tree Oil Soap- Body Wash by Majestic Pure is a 100% tea tree oil product, enriched with natural and organic botanical extracts that condition the dry and flaky skin.

The body wash contains as much as 5% of tea tree oil which is the maximum strength possible. Thus there is no doubt about the product being effective. Also, it is free from all harsh chemicals. This supernatural antibacterial formula not only cleanses all fungus and bacteria but also prevents it from coming back.

The product generates a very good amount of later and unlike most body washes, it comes off clear. It has a pleasant and soothing smell that does not irritate the users.


  • Hydrates and nourishes the skin from deep within
  • Doesn’t leave the skin dry or irritated
  • Easy to clean and does not leave any residue behind
  • Treats back acne
  • Comes in an easy to use pump dispenser that prevents unnecessary wastage and spillage


  • May not work out for all skin types
  • May cause breakouts

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What are the Types of Skin Conditions Caused by Fungus?

Hearing of fungal infections, we often think of poor hygiene. However, it is important to understand that these infections are caused due to numerous other factors as well, such as prolonged use of antibiotics, obesity, etc.

A lot of times, the skin infections are caused due to fungi. While some are naturally produced by our body, namely yeasts, some may grow externally and cause infection, namely dermatophytes. These fungi breed on the humans, in skin folds and mucous membranes. They multiply in the dark, warm and moist environments.

The most common type of yeast infection is known as candidiasis that affects the skin, mouth, respiratory system as well as the genitals. Its widely occurring forms are:

  • Yeast Onychomcosis

This type of infection is characterized by pain, inflammation, and redness. It affects the nails and you may experience warmth around or underneath the nail. There may also be a pus discharge. Common symptoms are opaque, rigid and thickened nails.

  • Tinea Versicolor

This is a condition that normally affects young adults and teenagers. It is characterized by rough white, tan and red colored patches formed around the upper body, arms and the neck.

Dermatophyte infections occur in the protein-rich areas of the body such as skin, hair, and nails. Some of its common forms are:

  1. Athlete’s Foot: This is a severe form of infection that may occur in skin folds. Symptoms include flaky and scaly skin between the toes along with redness and itching. Small blisters may be present as well.
  2. Jock Itch: This is also known as gym itch and is seen very commonly occurring in me. The prime reason of this is sharing the clothes infected with athlete’s foot. This is often characterized by itchy rashes and sometimes pustules and blisters occurring in the groin and anal areas.

How to Prevent Fungal Skin Infections?

Keeping good hygiene is the best way to prevent all kinds of fungal infections. Apart from that, you should also clean up your diet as these infections are quite likely to happen to obese people.

  • Always keep your skin clean and dry
  • After touching the infected area, be sure to properly wash your hands so that the infection does not transfer.
  • Try to keep your fingernails and toenails cut short
  • Regularly air dry your shoes. Wet shoes can cause infections
  • Wear comfortable and clean clothes every day
  • Avoid sharing personal items such as clothing, towel, or toiletries
  • Do not walk barefoot on public places


Fungal infections can happen to anyone, regardless of their age. All measures should be taken to avoid these as sometimes, they can be really painful.

Out of the above mentioned products, I choose FungaSoap Cleansing Wash by PediFix as the perfect antifungal solution, as it not only treats fungus and bacteria but also prevents it from coming back. It cleanses, deodorizes and soothes the skin making it soft, supple and fresh looking.

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