Green Tea Smoothie Recipes and Their Health Benefits

Top 5 Green Tea Smoothie Recipes and Their Health Benefits

Green tea smoothies are one of the best meal plan that one can have for a refreshing start of the day or to get an energy boost during the afternoon. It is extremely simple to prepare the green tea smoothie recipes and the best part of this diet is that you can grab all the benefits of this wonderful beverage with this single recipe.

It is a great benefit for people who don’t like dairy smoothie base or they have allergens with dairy products or other usual smoothie bases. If you don’t want to head around multiple diet routine for getting essentials nutrient for your health or want to get anti-aging benefits through dietary sources then this handy solution for you.

It will hardly take few minutes preparation time which you can easily manage no matter how busy your daily life schedule is. This antioxidant property dense smoothie gives a kick start to your metabolism function to keep you energetic all the time whether you are going to gym classes, your office place or any other work schedule.

You can easily mix all of your favorite fruits, nuts or healthy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and cucumber to enhance its taste and health value. As this particular smoothie is not bounded to any particular ingredient so you have full freedom to choose ingredients of your choice.

Every time you can try one new recipe keeping the base ingredient same that is green tea. In that way, you will ensure the full health benefits of this wonder brew along with the high nutrient value of the ingredients of your choice.

If you are a coffee lover but scared of the jittery effect of this hot beverage on your health which is caused by excessive caffeine intake then this recipe is the perfect solution for you.

This delicious drink offers bled of different flavors without causing any jitters effect along with its ice-cold soothing and relaxing base. Especially, in hot summer days, it is best cold beverage to relieve from the scorching heat in the environment and to keep your enthusiasm high even though the surrounding environment is not favorable.

It allows you to sleep well which is hardly possible with other hot tea or beverages which often interfere with your sleeping pattern due to its caffeine content.

Moreover, along with delighting your taste buds this smoothie provides multiple health benefits to you such as promoting weight loss, boosts the immune system, improves digestion or detoxification, etc.

As green tea is loaded with antioxidants so this smoothie ensure that your body remains protected with common cold and flues, seasonal health concern by keeping your immunity power strong naturally.

5 Green Tea Smoothie Recipes

Green Tea Smoothie Recipe # 1

This particular green tea smoothie recipe is especially for the hot summer days to keep your mind and body cool even in that high temperate or weather.

As the summer season is the time when many delicious plus nutritious fruits are grown so you can add any of your favorite fruit in this smoothie apart from the ingredients we have used in this.


  • 1 Tbsp loose leaf tea ( for each 8-ounce serving size)
  • 10 ounces water brewed
  • ½ Cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 Cup frozen peaches
  • 1 Tbsp honey
  • ½ Cup ice
  • ½ Tbsp lime juice


Pour the loose leaf tea into hot water for 2 to 3 minutes. Add an extra spoon of green tea if you like a strong flavor. One the steeping is completed remove all the green tea leaves.

Now pour all the ingredients along with this green tea concentrated water into a blender and blend it to get a creamy texture. Your green tea smoothie is ready to drink. Sip this delicious drink and stay fit and energetic all day.

This specific green tea smoothie provides you with a very good amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and dietary fibers just with only one glass of this smoothie.

Green Tea Smoothie Recipe # 2

Whether you want to give a kick boost to your body to start your gym class or want to relieve your stressed muscles after a long whole day hectic office schedule this smoothie is best for your purpose.

This particular green tea smoothie is rich in healthy vegetables which does two important works. One it makes sure that your body gets enough level of nutrients to boost your metabolism and another thing, as it is loaded with vegetables so you need not to prepare a special vegetable after drinking this smoothie.


  • 2 Tbsp matcha green tea powder or 2 green tea bags.
  • 1 Tbsp flaxseed
  • 1 Cup baby spinach or kale
  • 2 Tbsp honey
  • ½ Avocado
  • ¼ Cup mint leaves
  • 1 Scoop protein powder (Optional)


Now when all the ingredients are available, you simply need to pour all of them into the blender. Blend these ingredients until you get a smoother mixture.

Once it is ready to serve it in a large glass or also you can store it in a shaker bottle to carry it with you in your gym class as your energy booster.

Green Tea Smoothie Recipe # 3

If you want to switch from non-vegetarian diets as your breakfast meal then this will be the perfect green tea smoothie for you. Add a high nutrient-dense banana, coconut milk or dairy milk or almond milk whatever feels good to your taste bud in this particular smoothie to get a quick boost in the morning.

Add more fruits to enhance the taste and health value of this smoothie. This simple cold smoothie is enough to full your stomach in the morning breakfast and will keep your stomach fuller for a longer duration so that you won’t get frequent craving issues.


  • 2 Tbsp matcha powder
  • 2 Frozen bananas
  • 1 Cup Milk (Coconut milk/ Dairy milk/ Almond milk)
  • ½ Cup fresh fruits such as mango, kiwi, etc.
  • 3 to 4 Ice cubes


For preparing this smoothie you need to blend the milk and matcha powder in a blender at least for 30 seconds. After that add all other ingredients and blend them until you get a smoother mixture

Your smoothie is ready to drink, serve it in a big glass and garnish it with some fruits and nuts slices to enhance its taste and nutrient value for your health.

Green Tea Smoothie Recipe # 4

If you want to get anti-aging health benefits out of your smoothie then this green tea base smoothie is best for your purpose. It is rich with high nutrient-rich green veggies such as spinach, blueberries, chia seeds etc which are also rich sources of antioxidant properties.


  • 2 Green tea bags
  • 2 Tbsp loose leaf green tea
  • 1 Banana (cuts into pieces)
  • 2 Tbsp chia seeds
  • ½ Cup baby spinach
  • 1 or 1 ½ Cups frozen blueberries
  • ½ Cup frozen green grapes
  • 12 Ounces yogurt
  • 3 Ice cubes


Boil the 2 green tea bags into one cup water first. Once the steeping is done remove the tea bags or tea leaves. Now add all the ingredient in this green tea concentrated water and pour them into the blender.

Blend all the ingredients to get a smoother mixture out of it. Your smoothie is ready to serve now. Pour this into a big glass and drink it. Stay full refreshing and healthy throughout the day with this delicious and healthy smoothie.

Green Tea Smoothie Recipe # 5

This green tea smoothie recipe is again a tremendous combination of high nutrients values along with amazing taste level. You need to mix peanut butter in this particular smoothie which is a very healthy source of protein that not only keeps your stomach full for longer duration but also ensures that you remain energetic by boosting your metabolic rate.

Also, it contains banana which is a good source of potassium a vital mineral essential for your overall health benefits along with enhancing the taste of the smoothie.



For preparing this green tea base smoothie you need to mix all the mentioned ingredients into the blender. And blend them until it gets a smoother texture or the consistency of your desire. Serve this prepared smoothie into a big glass and get a quick boost to start your day with high spirit.

Health Benefits of Green Tea Smoothie Recipes

Green tea is an abundant source of nutrient and this is the reason it is also known as a versatile health drink. Whatever form you consume green tea you will get its benefits in some or other ways.

However when you consume it in smoothie form no doubt its health benefits increases a lot because then you get the nutrients values of its other ingredients as well. Some common benefits that this health drink offers you are enlisted below:

Improves Your Brain Functions

Green tea contains caffeine in a very mild amount which is also known as a brain stimulant. The caffeine content of green tea is absolutely adequate and mild that is why it doesn’t cause jittery as normal coffee do due to their high caffeine value.

As per one research report, daily consumption of green tea base smoothie or even in beverage form helps to stimulate happy hormones in brains such as dopamine which is responsible for improving your mood hence relieves from stress, mood swings, and depression-related problems.

Dopamine is also a neurotransmitter so when it is released in brain then your brain becomes more capable to get signal in the form of messages much faster way than your normal state. Faster brain signal receptive ability means speed in your overall body functionality which is an ideal situation for a healthy body.

It improves your memory power and protects from many chronic mental health concerns by enhancing your neurons signals hence improves vigilance and reaction timing.

Green tea also contains amino acid L-theanine which has the ability to boost the activities of inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA which relieves and prevents from anxiety attacks.

People who consume green tea smoothie experience better productivity because of their improved brain functionality and boosted energy level which is not possible with any normal coffee drink or smoothie.

Prevents the Risk of Certain Types of Cancer

You can prevent the risk of certain types of cancer growth risk which is a life-threatening disease, by consuming green tea either in a beverage or in smoothie form.

As green tea is a rich source of antioxidant so it is well capable to protect your body against oxidative damages or free radicals attack which can damage the healthy cells in the body leading to cancer growth.

Cancer develops due to uncontrolled growth of cells which basically start from oxidative damages. However, when you consume green tea your immunity power remains so efficient that it can easily prevent such oxidative reactions or damages in body and can protect the healthy cells of your body.

The types of cancer whose growth risk can be lowered with green tea’s antioxidants effect include breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and prostate cancer.

All these cancer types are very common forms of cancer whose patients count are increasing year by year worldwide. So it’s very crucial that you take a proactive step in your day to day life with a healthy diet routines such as green tea or green tea beverage to lowers or prevent their growth risk in the future.

Helps in Burning Body Fat

The green tea base smoothie helps in speeding up the fat burning capacity of your body by boosting the fat oxidation rate. As you know the consumption of green tea directly impacts your metabolic rate by speeding up its functionality hence it automatically increase your body strength to lose fat for generating more amount of energy.

This is really a very great benefit that you can get out of green tea smoothie intake because the excess body fat not only hampers your external appearance but also it is a root cause of many ailments such as obese, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol level, etc.

Green tea increases insulin sensitivity and keeps your blood sugar level in check otherwise, in the long run, the high level of blood sugar rate converts into diabetes which is a life-long disease.

It is the effectiveness of green tea on shedding excess body fat that it is the most common ingredient used in many fat burning supplements for faster results.

Reduces the Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases

As per the WHO report cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke are reasons behind the highest range of death rates worldwide which is spreading like an epidemic.

In the previous era, cardiovascular diseases were limited to only advanced stages of life but now even a 30+ person contain a greater risk of developing this life-threatening health issues. This mainly because of an unhealthy lifestyle and diet routine that people follows in general.

However, with more green tea rich diet intake you can protect your heart health and prevent the risk of developing cardiovascular health concern to a great extent which is vital for longevity and healthy form of survival.

The high antioxidant content of green tea prevents the growth of bad cholesterol in the body which is the root cause of artery disease and even heart attacks. Also, it promotes the growth of good cholesterol for ensuring healthy heart function which is the base of overall organs good health and functionality.

As per one study report, people who drink green tea contains 31% lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases with a comparison to those who do not consume this healthful drink at all.

So if you also want to stay protected from these major health problems and want an easy breakfast solution then you must try our green tea smoothie recipes which are quite easy in preparation and loaded with multiple and essentials nutrients.

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