Protecting Your Skin and Eyes During the Summer

This summer, healthy skin and eyes will need protection, even as global warming rises. Healthy skin and eyes reflect the overall health condition and are indicators of wellbeing. Protecting your skin and eyes during the summer is a top priority.

Protection for the Skin

Photo By: Viktory Bezhan/ CC BY

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. During summer, the skin needs more protection. This is because as the season shifts, skin requirements differ. Hot temperatures are associated with a host of skin conditions such as heat rashes. Sun damage can initiate premature aging, dark spots, dry skin or formation of pigmentation, fine lines, and wrinkles. Skin cancer is a chronic condition that can also result from unwanted exposure to harmful rays of the sun.

Tips to be kept in mind for skin at the time of summer are as follows. Premature aging of the skin can lead to sunburn. Exposure to excessively harmful and harsh sunlight will cause your skin to shrivel and develop wrinkles. Here are the ways to ensure protection for your skin:

#1 Select the right sunscreen

Check the labeling. Purchasing Sun Protection Factor sunscreen/SPF 30 or more to gain full protection. The wish for a tan can prove deadly if you use a sunscreen with lower SPF. Harmful UVA and UVB rays need to be guarded against. Sunscreen needs to be water resistant if you are planning on a swim in the hot weather. The USFDA has also specified that sunscreens over three years of age should not be used. Checking your bottle’s expiration date is, therefore, essential.

#2 Application needs to be correct

Applying sunscreen correctly means putting it on 30 minutes after exposure to the sun. The skin absorbs the lotion completely and this makes it resistant to water or sweat in the event of swimming or exercise. But, it is a good idea to apply an extra layer after a swim or heavy exercise too. The bottle of the lotion should be well shaken and the lotion should be applied to all parts of the face, ears, knee and feet as well as other external body parts. If you are planning on spending time outdoors, stay safe with sunscreen.

#3 Protective Clothing that Lets Your Skin Breathe is a Must

Covering up the skin with protective clothing is an efficient way to block the harmful UV radiation from the sun. Protective clothing is fashionable too, whether you consider cool sunglasses or a wide-brimmed, floppy designer hat. Use UV-blocking sunglasses for the best impact.

#4 Limit Exposure to the Sun

Between the hours of 10 in the morning and 4 in the evening, the sun’s rays are strongest. Opt for the shade or plan activities that are outside of these hours. Try shielding your body from the sun using umbrellas or indoor breaks. Sun exposure for extended lengths of time, especially the harmful UV radiation can put your skin at the higher risk of developing melanoma. This is a commonly occurring skin cancer. So even when the weather seems cool, ensure that you protect the skin with a daily moisturizing lotion with SPF. Skin types respond to overexposure so sun protection is a critical part of everyday care.

#5 Drink Plenty of Water

During the summer time, the body loses plenty of moisture. So, hydrating the body with adequate H20 regularly is a must. Hydrating yourself helps the skin to remain soft and moisturized. Plenty of fruits and veggies alongside also serve to provide the crucial water content your diet needs.

#6 Skin Toner Keeps Pores Closed

A skin toner is a must in the dry, hot summer weather. The toner keeps the pores closed and ensures the skin remains cool. Use natural cooling agents like rosewater for keeping the skin light, soft and supple.

#7 Sleep Soundly

Regular, uninterrupted sleep for 7–8 hours in the night is a must for keeping skin smooth and soft.

#8 Use Face Wash

Cleaning the face twice in a day is a must. The face needs to be washed with mild and gentle cleansers. Seek a cleaner with gentle BH or AH acid base or products that are essential for skin health such as aloe vera and papaya. The phytonutrients in these products help to remove skin cells that are dead and also aids in new growth. A face wash is essential for keeping the pores free of impurities too.

#7 Regularly Exfoliate Your Skin

Photo By: Jeffrey/ CC BY

The skin needs to be exfoliated 2-3 times per week for removing dead skin cells, as these can clog skin pores and enhance blood circulation to the skin surface of the facial region, the neck and other parts of the body.

#8 Protecting the Skin

Facial skin can be protected by using shades to protect the sensitive skin surrounding the eyes as this is prone to fast aging.

#9 Be Careful With The Facial Make Up

To keep your lips supple, use lip balm. Due to rising temperatures, makeup can become messy in the summer time. Using light makeup is essential. Try for waterproof items like sweat-resistant mascara. Try to keep your skin free of makeup though and let the natural shine of the skin take effect.

#10 Avoid Drinks That Are Aerated

Aerated drinker rich in sugar. They have no value for boosting the skin. Alcohol and stimulants like coffee can also make the skin dry and hot. Instead, try fresh lime, coconut water or fresh fruit juice for a change. Summer skin care is essential for preserving the freshness and natural glow of the skin. A properly balanced diet also ensures optimal functioning of the body.

#11 Shield Yourself from UV Radiation

Ultraviolet radiation from the sun damages the skin in just fifteen minutes. Skin cancer results from prolonged exposure and damage. But the sun is not the only source of light you need to watch out for. Avoid tanning beds, rooms, and smoking or unhealthy foods. This can have an equally debilitating impact on your skin.

#12 Wear The Right Head Gear

Photo by: Andrew Hart/ CC BY

Donning the right head gear is important. A wide-brimmed hat can protect every part of your upper body. Protective clothing protects areas that are exposed.

#13 Watch Out for Certain Medications

Be clear about medications that can cause your skin sensitivity to the sun to rise. This includes antibiotics as well as OTC medicines. NSAIDs, antidepressants, antipsychotics and diabetic medications can cause a sensitivity to sunlight. Check regarding side effects before taking a medicine.

#14 Children Need Protection

Children younger than 6 months should be protected from the rays of the sun with protective shade and clothing. Sunscreen cannot be used in such cases. But for older children, even sunscreens are not enough. You need to perform regular skin checks and look for issues pertaining to moles, birthmarks or freckles. Get regular evaluations from health care practitioners.

#15 Steer Clear of Tanning Beds

Tanning beds produce harmful UV radiation which raises the risk for skin cancer such as melanomas. These appliances can also instigate cataracts and ocular melanoma.

#16 Make Lifestyle Choices That Are Healthy

Healthy skin needs to be maintained by making the right lifestyle choices. Smoking can damage collagen and elastin synthesis. This should be coupled with the use of gentle cleansers and mild moisturizers. Eating a diet full of fruits, veggies, and cereals with healthy additions such as milk and dairy products can add a natural glow to your skin. Stress reduction and avoiding the sun based on the shadow rule can work wonders. If the shadow is shorter, the sun’s harmful rays are stronger and vice versa.

Eye Protection

When summer beckons, you need to watch out for the high temperature which destroys healthy tissues and damages the skin. While there is sunscreen for the skin, how do you protect the eyes? There’s plenty of help available provided you know where to look.

#1 Make Informed Choices

Make wise and carefully thought out decisions regarding hats, goggles, sunglasses and other protection gear. You also need to prevent contamination in the everyday environment.

#2 Choose Sunglasses with Complete UV Guards

Photo By: Ben Dalton/ CC BY

Sunglasses are one of the most important accessories you can use to block the sun and save your eyes. Protecting eyes from UVB and A radiation is important. UV rays come from the harsh rays of the sun and reflect off shiny or luminous surfaces too. The best way to protect eyes is to purchase sunglasses that offer total protection against UV rays. According to the UN Environmental Protection Agency, you can access 100 percent protection against UVA and B if you purchase the right pair.

An excessive amount of UV exposure leads to photokeratitis or photo conjunctivitis referred to as snow blindness. Continuous and persistent exposure, however, can lead to cataracts and skin cancer of the eye or ocular melanoma or even pterygium (non-malignant cornea growth).

#3 Use Swimming Goggles

The first dip in a chlorinated pool in the summers can hurt your eyes, during the summer time. To prevent the chlorine from damaging your eyes, you need to wear swimming goggles. Whether you are swimming in a chlorinated pool or saline sea water, goggles can prove handy to avoid the damage to your eyes. Studies have shown that constant increase in chlorine can adversely impact the epithelium of the cornea. This guard against irritants and disease causing agents, so you need to protect the epithelium and avoid corneal abrasion or eye injuries.

#4 Maintain Good Hygiene

The best way to protect yourself from communicable infections in the eye is to wash your hands and face regularly. This prevents eye related conditions such as pink eye. Following eye surgery, eyes can become susceptible to infections too. So, maintaining good hygiene ensures that you avoid spreading or suffering excessively from infections.

#5 Wear a Protective Hat

Complete protection from harmful UV rays to eyes and eyelids can make a difference to health and wellbeing. Choose a shady hat with a wide brim at least 3 inches wide to decrease UV ray exposure. This is important for guarding against basal cell carcinoma. A type of cancer affecting the eyelids, this cancer generally occurs in the corners, lower parts of the eyelid or beneath the brows. The carcinoma can also spread to the eye’s other parts too.

#6 Protection From Chemicals

Protecting your eyes from chemicals and hazardous substances at work is important. Wear safety goggles and ensure that you do not suffer from chemical exposure. Spray paint, hand or soap bubbles, cleaning solution– all of these need to be watched out for. Chemical burns can have a severe impact on the eyes. Therefore, protective goggles are necessary. Eye related chemical burns can be an ocular hazard you need to watch out for.

#7 Eye Protection During External Activities

Whether you are suffering from dust or sand exposure, in summer months, protective eyewear is very important. Corneal injuries can result in long-term damage. Shield the eye to prevent corneal abrasion and chronic dry eyes.

#8 Eat Healthy and Stay Hydrated

What you eat impacts how you see. Carrots, and other vitamin-A and beta-carotene rich foods can work wonders for your eyesight. Certain photo-antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. Adding supplements or foods in Vitamin C, E and zinc can also help in solving age-related macular degeneration.

#9 Use Eye Drops

Eye drops can cleanse the ocular debris and minimize pain in the eye. Benefit from regular eye drops that can prevent exposure to contaminants.

#10 Sleep Well

Regulate the sleep patterns and ensure you get plenty of rest. Resting the eyes prevents ocular ill health.


Protection from summer hazards offers welfare for skin and eyes, and benefits for overall health as well. Summer is a time of the year when the temperature becomes high and heat exerts its toll on the skin and the eyes. So watch out and take care of your health in those sweltering hot summer months and protect your eyes and skin from the glare, UV radiation and harmful impact of dust and chemicals.

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